woensdag 27 augustus 2008

TRUE. today

In a few hours the first flowers of Da Vinci Rose from Excellence will be delivered with Roses and Blooms in Manhattan. Everybody involved is really anxious to learn if they are TRUE.

They were packed at the Bogota farm last Friday under the supervision of Hans of FlorControl, quality experts on behalf of the TRUE. label. Transport and distribution have been organized by Janny of Flower Import Services in New Jersey. For this, Janny works with AllPlants who, in turn, makes use of Flower Transfer in Miami. Flower Transfer flies the flowers into JFK, New York, from which they are picked up by Delaware Wholesale. Delaware trucks them (refrigerated), with their other flowers in the consignment, into their warehouses in Sewell, NJ, from which Janny picks them up for delivery to Roses And Blooms.

Much too complicated, as far as I am concerned, although a much shorter supply chain than customary for Latin flowers. Something to be worked on once we see that Excellence's quality is TRUE. But if you read 'the TRUE. story' in this blog, the history of my quest, you will understand my doubts with today's route. One thing I have learned: true revolution doesn't happen overnight. Neither does TRUE. revolution.

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